Ho Moon Yee
NUS Industrial Design

Pet Funerals and Meanings

A Year 4 Thesis Project

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Pet cremation and funerals in Europe
on Monday, 12 September 2011 @ 12:58
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Since the 1980s, there has been an upward trend for pet burial or cremation in Germany.

- Little regulations  related to burying or cremating a pet in Germany than for humans
- Option of burial (even at own backyard) or cremation or animal carcass disposal facility
-Pet funeral homes offers:
     - Full funeral service
     - Turn pet ashes/hair into diamond
Wear your dead pet as jewelry, eco-friendly jewelry, eco jewelry, conflict-free jewelry, dead pet jewelry, eco-fashion, sustainable fashion
- Virtual Pet Cemetery Memorial
      -MemoryGarden24 offers both free and paid virtual graves and grave markers to memorialize your deceased pet. 
Most veterinarians in German-speaking Europe can help a pet owner arrange for the burial or cremation of a deceased pet


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No you can't, darling. :)