Ho Moon Yee
NUS Industrial Design

Pet Funerals and Meanings

A Year 4 Thesis Project

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Singapore Pet Cremation Services
on Monday, 5 September 2011 @ 05:20
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A research on the pet cremation services provided in Singapore. (to be edited)

Questions to ponder:
Who do you call when your loved pet dies?
Is the death anticipated or sudden?
What is the worth of your pet to you after it died?
What would you like to do for your pet after it is gone?
How will you like your pet to be handled?
How will you handle your pet after it died and while you are waiting for the cremation service?
How do you feel during the process?
What do you fear when you hand over your pet to strangers?
How would you like to remember your pet?
What is a meaningful keepsake of your loved pet?

As burials for pets are prohibited in land scarce Singapore, cremation services are the only viable option for people looking to give their pets a proper memorial service. Some cremation services are specific while others are provided as additional service for pet recreational centers (eg Pet Hotel). A closer look at some of the options:

Mobile Cremation

A search online revealed these 2 service providers who seemed sincere and passionate about pets:

-Mobile Pet Cremation Services     - Tengoku

Both provides:
- 24/ 7 call operated service
- Environmental mobile truck with inbuilt furnace
- However due to Singapore regulations, pets are only collected and must be driven to pet farm for cremation
   (So what is the use of a mobile furnace in Singapore? Is there a need for it? What then can replace it?)
- Collected pets are put into marked collection boxes
- 3 hrs cremation process, viewing allowed
- Ashes are kept in their urns
- Ash scattering service

Columbarium Services

Pets Cremation Center provides columbarium services on top of their cremation services.

Main fears when sending pets for cremation:
- Mixed ashes : fear of the service provider cremating many pets at a go to cut cost
- Disrespect towards their loved pets

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No you can't, darling. :)