About this Blog
on Monday, 5 September 2011 @ 03:30
This is a blog which will be recording down interesting findings of my thesis project:
Pet Funerals and Meanings
Pets are an irrevocable part of many Singaporeans’ life. They share our homes with us and bring us much joy. Thus, losing one’s pet is like losing a friend/ family instead of merely a pet. In Singapore, burial is prohibited even on private grounds, and only cremation is allowed. While there are some companies offering official cremation and even lets you have a spot on a columbarium, the meanings and design thoughts are often lacking for man’s best friend. This thesis shall explore the ways a pet will be remembered and strive to bring a pet’s funeral to a degree befitting that of a pet who is also a friend/ family.
Please feel free to give me suggestions or share with me your experience if your loved pet left you and a listening ear is needed (:
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